
As a FOSS project, anyone can take part in contributing improvements and features to the Snowdrift module and app.


Some development modules and applications are required when working on improving the source code. Please review the development installation instructions.


The easiest way to contribute improvements to the project is to fork the current repository hosted at Check out instructions how to fork on gitlab or github:

Once you have your own fork of the project,

  • create a new issue for the new improvement, here
  • create a branch with your new software improvements:
$ git clone https://...your_fork...
$ git checkout -b <issue_name> # or <improvement_name>

At this stage do some code improvements on your new branch, and commit your changes to your fork using git source code management operations, see git docs, eg.:

$ git add [your improved files]
$ git commit
$ git push origin

Once you are happy with your improvements, create a merge-request to the main Snowdrift repository, here

  • as source repository insert the full path to your fork on github or gitlab and select the branch with your improvements.
  • select main as the target branch in the Snowdrift repository.
  • you will have to create an account with in order to complete this step

The admins for the Snowdrift project will get a notification of the issue and pull request, and will review the software changes that you propose. In code review you may be requested to improve or change some aspects of your new code before merge with the main branch is accepted.


The Snowdrift docs are hosted at During development of the Snowdrift module and app you may need to update the documentation with revised documentation. The documents are written in Markdown and organized under the project docs/ folder. The documents are compiled with MkDocs.

Updating docs

Start a live MkDocs server while editing the docs,

$ mkdocs serve
INFO    -  Building documentation... 
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory 
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.15 seconds 
[I 210402 13:40:34 server:335] Serving on
INFO    -  Serving on

You can now edit the documentation files under docs/*.md and the server will automatically recompile and update the local pages in the web-browser under during editing.

Deploying docs

The docs are automatically compiled and deployed by from the main repository branch. As soon as any new improvements have been merged with main, readthedocs should detect the changes, compile and issue a new update to the doc pages at Note: The update may take some minutes to compile and a refresh of your web-browser.