Snowdrift ships with a Python module on which the snowdrift CLI application is built. The snowdrift Python module can be reused and integrated into other applications. These API docs outline the structure and design of the snowdrift python module.

The following key methods are distributed between various *.py files under the snowdrift/ module directory. Have a look at the snowdrift/__init__.py to keep track of where they are imported from.


Here is an example performing a snowdrift calculation on an input GRIB forecast dataset using the snowdrift python module API, and saving the results in a 'snowdrift.grb' GRIB output file:

import snowdrift
# get config / overriding with config.yml file
conf = snodrift.getConfig("config.yml")
# load forecast data
data = snowdrift.collectData([grib_files,..], conf['InputParameters'])
snowdrift.summary(data, 'loaded forecast')
# get GRIB template
templ = snowdrift.getTemplateMsg(grib_file1, conf['InputParameters'])
## if have any previous snowdrift output...
assimData = snowdrift.collectAssim(prevSnowDrift.grb, conf['OutputParameters'])
snowdrift.summary(assimData, 'assimilation data')
## else set assimData = None
# process input forecast data
snowdrift.summary(data, 'prepared forecast data')
# verify necessary data has been made available
# if verification successful, run snowdrift calculation
#  this operation will populate data with the new snowdrift params
snowdrift.snowdrift(data, config=confg['ModelTuning'], assim=assimData)
snowdrift.summary(data, 'snowdrift result')
# save the snowdrift forecast,
snowdrift.saveGrib(data, 'snowdrift.grb', templ, config=conf['OutputParameters'])
# also, can optionally plot 'drift' results to screen
snowdrift.plot(data, -1, 'drift')



def getConfig(file=None)

Fetches a snowdrift configuation dictionary, optionally loadin a config YAML file which overrides the default configurations defined in snowdrift/config.py. Returns a dictionary that contains the following sections:

  • InputParameters
  • ModelTuning
  • OutputParameters

See example-config to read about snowdrift configuration files.

Loading Data


def collectData(files, config=inputConfig)

Collects input data from a list of forecast GRIB files based on InputParameters config description. See 'InputParameters` config description in the Usage docs: example-config


def collectAssim(driftFile, outputConfig)

Loads assimilation data from a previous snowdrift GRIB forecast result. The assimilation data loading requires an OutputParameters config dictionary as argument in order to identify the correct snowdrift forecast parameters to load. See 'OutputParameters' config description in the Usage docs: example-config.


def summary(data, title="Data Summary")

Prints a summary of this data object to StdOut with an optional title.



def processInputData(data)

This method calls calculateDeps and then verify. Calculates dependent parameters the for snowdrift forecast calculation, based on input data. This is an in-place operation on the input data dict.


def calculateDeps(data)

This method attempts to generate extra params from loaded data that are required by snowdrift algorithm. This includes combining wind-u/v vectors into wind speed, and generating snowfall parameter from snowac, accumulated snow fall. The method operatods on the input data set in-place.


def verify(data)

This method checks that necassary input vars are available before snowdrift calculation. The method will raise an IOError if any parameters necessary for snowdrift are missing.


def snowdrift(data, config=modelTuning, assim=None)

Calculates snowdrift parameters based on input forecast data, and any optional modelTuning config section loaded from a config YAML file with getConfig().

The snodrift method also accepts an assimilation dataset, which is a previous snowdrift GRIB data results loaded using collectAssim(). Without an assimilation dataset, the snowdrift calculation will reset itself on each new snowdrift run. See Usage instructions on assimilation for further information.

Output snowdrift parameters are added to the input data dictionary in-place.



def plot(data, i, param, save=None)

Plots parameter param at step i from input data dict. If save 'file name' is provided, saves image to file instead of display on screen.


def getTemplateMsg(file, config)

Collect a single appropriate msg from grib forecast, for later use as template in writing snow drift results. Requires an input forecast file path and an InputParameters config.


def saveGrib(data, filename, template_msg, config=outputConfig)

Saves snowdrift parameters to a new grib file, appending each message. Requires a template message from source forecast in oreder to replace values and write in compatible GRIB formatting to the source.